[important] News of information and the point shift of member with the online shop renewal

Thank you for having you always favor silver storehouse online.

I guide you about information of member with the online shop renewal.

With a renewal, the information of following member who had you register so far becomes invalid.
Because the login ID that had you register so far, the visitor information including the password become invalid, very sorry for your inconvenience but I hope that I have you register it some other time.

●To the visitor who had you use silver storehouse online before October, 2019

As for visitor with the point balance, the shift of the point is possible in a site before renewal.
There is it by the trouble very much, but I would like a procedure in the following procedure.

①I would like newly registration than follows.

The sign-in is this

②Please inform it of two points of follows by [email] before an order.

・The e-mail address that had you register in case before renewal
・The name (full name)

An inquiry window: h-toiawase@ginzo.jp

※The point use after the receipt of money is not possible.
 I ask to contact me before the receipt of money by all means.
※The points have a use time limit.
 When expiration date passes, approve it beforehand to point it, and not to give it.
※For the points which are effective in only silver storehouse online, the point grant to other sites cannot be possible.

I trouble a visitor and am very sorry.
Please follow it in future because you will expand the introduction of service and the action so that all of you can enjoy shopping still more.

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