
ROLEX Lorex: Airking Deit Antique! 5700 Boys! SS Boures. Automatic. Silver letters. B-rank used silver,

SKU: 800000080933000

¥350,000 JPY
3,500 Points
The silver-character air-roar air king, which is drifting.
The unchanging appearance of the same age is a good one, and the simplicity that does not depend on the times and trends is attractive.
3. The 3-needle type is a functional and stylistic impression, with a Datto display at the 3-hour position.
1st Rolex is a price that is easy to buy.

mold 5700
Serial 41 - (7 digits 1974)
Size Case Side: Approximated 33mm around 33mm: Approximated 17cm
accessory Company Warranty

Literally: Silver.

Materials SS
Explanation Mobument: Automatic Makimenki

Water-waterproof: NG (for Antique) type: Boys
-The roll, Bless.

State Rank
Chusebon B
It is commonly usedThis is what is called a used used goods, which is a product of damage such as kizzins or dirt.
Exterior state My company or our designated and refurbishing business operator has been remodeled to do so.
Strong growth in the bres, the little kizz, and the wind and the back of the wind, there are a little bit of thin tin and small pikes in the back of the palate, and the needle is corrosive, the characters of the character, and the night light are the same.
interior decoration It has been overhauled (cleaned up) by the company itself or the IBM designated reconditioning agency.

