
OMEGA オメガコンステレーション 1372.10baud is YG/SS watch quartz gold clockface A rank used silver storehouse

SKU: 800000082323000

¥120,000 JPY
1,200 Points
"コンステレーション" of the omega to mean a constellation
It features the looks that four nails caught a bezel, and an astronomical observatory relief and eight records of wins and losses are carved with to camera back.
The design which does not feel ugliness can play while being high-quality role without choosing the clothing among daily.

Model number 1372.10
Size The case side: About 32mm The arm circumference: About 17cm
Accessories Unavailable

A clockface: Gold

Material YG/SS
Explanation A calendar type: Open-dating A movement: Quartz

Waterproofing: An everyday life waterproofing type: Boys

State rank
Used goods A
A beautiful article. It is used goods, but is the good product which is in a state at small damage degree.
Decoration state It is decoration polishing finished in the company or our designated repair trust suppliers.
There is a slight microwound to the back case, and there is a thread to some corrosion, shelter belt to a needle slightly.
Interior decoration It is overhaul (overhaul) finished in the company or our designated repair trust suppliers.

