
ROLEX Lorex: Oyster-Puppet Antique, 1003 Boys' SS watch, automatically roll, grey character, B, Class B, used in silver.

SKU: 800000082544000

¥310,000 JPY
3,100 Points
The original model of the Rolex, "Oyster Perfumer Puppet."
If you don't really need the Dayt-Justang feature of inventing the world, more maintenance is going on.
The only way you can get to know the time is to share the time with the clock, and the other way you can see it is not.
It's a simple, redundant and easy-to-do, easy-to-operate, easy-to-do-a-like model for the introduction of the Rolex.
Bezel is a hand-made engine of the endobezel.I have a sharp-looking look!

mold 1003
Serial 30 - (7 digits, 1971)
Size Case Side: Approximated 33mm around 33mm: Approximated 18cm
accessory Company Warranty

Literally: gray

Materials SS
Explanation Mobument: Automatic Makimenki

Water-waterproof: NG (for Antique) type: Boys
Engines, Tandbezel, and Book of Bresse

State Rank
Chusebon B
It is commonly usedThis is what is called a used used goods, which is a product of damage such as kizzins or dirt.
Exterior state My company or our designated reconditioning contractor has been grinded in the exterior.
There are a little bit of strong growth in the broth, a little tin, a little bit of dirt, a little bit of dirt, a little bit of scrot, a little bit of a needle, a little bit of a needle, a little bit of a night light, and a little bit of a yake.
interior decoration Overhaul (Cleared Decomposition) by the Company or the IBM designated reconditioning contractor

