
HERMES Hermes Evelyn, PM Lusubih Gold, Gold, Gold, Gold, Gold, and Unsex (around 2004) Unsex Vibrato Razer Sholder Bag A-Rank used silver storehouse

SKU: 800000084514000

¥198,000 JPY
1,980 Points
The panting of Hermès 'H' motif is an impressive shoulder bag, Evelyn.
The current discontinuance of the vibrato is a elaborate material made by layers of sheer leather, and a high level of skill was needed among Hermès leatherers.
The PM size is large enough to allow holidays and is osms when you want to act actively.

mold The Japan-H-engraved mark (around 2004)
Size Width: Approx. 27.5cm (Maximum) height: approx. 26 cm Okuyuki: Approximate. 7.3 cm Shoulder: Approximate. 92cm
accessory box, bag
Color Ruzubiff × Gold Gold
Materials Vibrat Leather
State Rank
Used goods A
Beauty.It's a good one, but it's a good product with a small amount of damage.
state Adjunct: Usage: Medium
Exterior state A little bit of a pen, a little bit of dirt, a little bit of hair on the side of the vibrato, a little hair on the fittings, a shrewd, and a sholder.
interior decoration A little bit of yale, sre, and some marks.

