
Louis Vuitton tambour Monogram slim 8p diamond q13mj boys SS quartz silver dial

SKU: 800000086769000

¥160,000 JPY
1,600 Points
Slim & tambourine Monogram slim
The diamond is put on the index, and it is more elegant design.
It is a mild wearing feeling that can be worn without any gender.

Model number Q13
Size Case: around 33 mm arm
Accessories No

Dial Silver

Material SS
Explanation Movement quartz

Daily life waterproof type: Boys
8p diamond

State rank
A used article a
Beautiful goods. It is a good product with fine damage degree.
Exterior condition Our company or our designated retailers.
Small Bezel on the bezel, and there are slight thin slices at the time of the windbreak.
Interior Maintenance of maintenance (adjustment and adjustment) batteries by our company or our designated retailers.

