
HERMES Hermmez, Vermilion, Vermillion, Vermillion, Vermillion, Vermillion, Vermillion, No. 2, 2006, Unsex Vo, Epson, two, fold, purse, A-rank, used silver storehouse.

SKU: 800000089064000

¥143,000 JPY
1,430 Points
"Bairo Compact" where the standard item bean is downsized down
As the name is, it's a compact wallet in the compact size, and it's in a small bag in a little way.
It's a small card pocket four, a small change, and a fuming space is well equipped with a good hand, and the use of the cards is available.
H, which is simple and elegant, insiding on the brand.

Reference price 3,300 yen
Stamping The carin of the series was inscribed (around 2006)
Size Width: approximately 12 cm Height: approx. 9.5 cm
accessory None
Color Vermilion X Silver Gold
Materials Vauemson
Explanation Open and close style: belt bracket pocket 1: card pocket 4
Inner pocket 2: Open pocket 5
Inner Pocket 3: Fastener Pocket 1
State Rank
Used goods A
Beauty.It's a good one, but it's a good product with a small amount of damage.
Exterior state There are some sare, dirt, and gold ingredients in the kobba.
interior decoration I have a small sle with a little yale and a few notes in my hand.

