
Other Diamond 1.76ct 1.48ct Chat Chain Unisex K18YG / PT850 Bracelet A-Rank Used Sinkjo

SKU: 800000094991000

¥600,000 JPY
6,000 Points
Design bracelet connecting yellow gold and platinum chains.
The gold part will arrange the diamond and add an elegant brilliance.
It is a colorful jewelry that shines in the arm community well in the arm, and is a gorgeous jewelry question.

size Breath Width: about 10 mm Arms: about 19 cm
accessories none
material K18YG / PT850
explanation Weight: 76.5 g Diamond: 1.76ct Diamond: 1.48ct
State rank
Used A
Beauty products. It is a second-hand product, but a good product with fine damage.
Exterior state We are making new finish (polishing) by the vendor.
There is a slight thread.
Interior -
Inventory store Ichikyu 2nd store

