
Hermes Hermes Agenda Vermilion □ I-engraving (around 2005) Unisex Vauepson notebook cover A rank used sinkjo

SKU: 800000095101000

¥19,800 JPY
198 Points
Hermes Simple Notebook Cover / Agenda.
It is a luxurious elegant impression, so it is a match to business and business!
As the superior leather item will be more unique enough to use, so it will increase the taste.
Recommended for those who want to use one thing for a long time.
Vermillion means scarlet in French and is a bit brighter ornate red color.

Value price ¥ 52800
Stamp □ I engraved (around 2005)
size Width: about 9.5 cm Height: about 13 cm
accessories Box
colour Vermillion
material Voepson
explanation Open pocket: 2 places
State rank
Used A
Beauty products. It is a second-hand product, but a good product with fine damage.
Exterior state There is a slight thread in Koba.
Interior -
Inventory store Ichikyu 2nd store

