
BVLGARI Bulgari black unisex leather card case-free silver storehouse

SKU: 802500031155000

¥27,500 JPY
275 Points
The Bulgari card case of a certain glossiness leather type.
There are two places of ID cases with a window and can gather up a commuter pass and an employee ID card.
It is the item which possessed the storing power that I arranged plural pockets for inside and out.

Size Width: About 11cm Height: About 7.5cm
Accessories Box Guarantee
Color Black
Material Leather
Explanation An opening and shutting type: Flap An open pocket: Five places The open pocket which there is a gusset in: One place
State rank
Unused NS
Mint condition. It is an outstanding wound and display without threads-free article without using it.
Decoration state It is in particular an unused article without outstanding damage.
Store is to sell it, and, please think with a display-free article.
Interior decoration -

