
HERMES Hermes HH1.230 Ladies: HH1.230 Ladies, Cauts, Cauts, Evolley, Class A Rank, Class of Chonzo

SKU: 802500031979000

¥300,000 JPY
3,000 Points
A design wristwatch with a motif of Hermes' brand name "H"."H Watch"
This is a rugby model with diamonds set in the H section!
It is an anecdote that is loved by a wide range of age groups, with a simple design and a glamour.

mold HH1.230
Size Side by Case: Approximate 20mm Case Portrait: Approximate 30mm Arm: Approximate 17cm
accessory box

Literally, Ivory.

Materials SS
Explanation Moubment: Quoats

Water prevention: Daily Life Prevention Type: Ladies
Dial bezel

State Rank
Used goods A
Beauty.It's a good one, but it's a good product with a small amount of damage.
Exterior state My company or our designated reconditioning contractor has been grinded in the exterior.
I have a small number of small quizs.
interior decoration Maintenance (Checkup and Reconcile) battery replaced by the Company or the IBM designated reconditioning service provider.

