
HERMES Hermes, a small coin, a gold H imprint (around 2004) Unisex, Voepson coin case, unused silverware

SKU: 802500034744000

¥49,500 JPY
495 Points
Hermes coincase/pockets in simple square form.
The interior features two pockets, and the cards and folded bills fit.
The neat design is osmosis, whether gender or generation.

imprint H imprint (circa 2004)
size Width: About 10cm tall: about 7.5cm
accessory box
color Gold.
material vouepson
explanation Opening and closing: snap button Open Pocket: two places
state rank
unused NS
Unused. It is unused on display without use and without conspicuous wounds or thresholds.
exterior condition There is a little looseness in the opening and closing of the snap button, but others are particularly unused items with no noticeable damage.
Please consider it an unused product for display because you are selling over-the-counter.
interior decoration -
